Delicate Elephant - P. Glover
Title: Delicate Elephant Composer(s): Glover Paul H. Album: #Quirky Orchestra Album content: Light quirky orchestral music for the every day comedy, reality TV and animation. Track description: Quirky, thinking, smart, problem resolving orchestral piece. Contemplating a problem to find a solution. 60s version. violin, viola, cello, oboe, flute, bassoon, vibraphone, glockenspiel, castanets, woodblock, triangle, shaker. Style/mood: Orchestral Children - Comedy Happy Positive Instruments: Pizzicato Vibraphone Percussions Tempo: Fast Duration: 01:00 Version: Short Publisher(s): Musicjag, Sead Publishing Ref.: AUS039-55 Other(s) version(s) available: Jingle - String version - Short version - Short version - Short version - Main version - Alternative version - Alternative version - Alternative version - Alternative version - Alternative version - |